In the fall of 2019 we announced an exciting new

project that we are going to engage with as a church. 

The Difference Project is composed of three parts

that will help with food insecurity right here

in our community. We want to be a church

that exists not just IN the community, 

but FOR the community. We need you to be involved.  

Check out this video from Pastor Josh to learn more:


  • 1 in 9 Minnesotans, and 1 in 6 children are facing food insecurities
  • In 2020, food shelves faced a 65% increase in demand
  • The affects of a global pandemic have only made these problems worse for people


  • Partnering with Alleluia Lutheran to supply volunteers for a food shelf while also supporting financially. We have been doing this since 2020 have been able to impact the lives of hundreds of families in our very own community.

ways to get involved

The 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month we partner with Alleluia Lutheran church in St. Michael to help distribute food to those in need. We distribute food rescued from CROSS in Rogers. Distribution takes place at Alleluia Lutheran Church in St. Michael. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to sign up.

Breakfast at the Playground

summer 2024

We are so excited to be partnering with Alleluia Lutheran Church on a new initiative for The Difference Project called Breakfast at the Playground! We will be providing free breakfast to the kids in our community on Tuesday mornings for 10 weeks this summer. Here are three ways you can participate in B@P:

  • Pray that it serves our community well
  • Volunteer on Tuesday mornings
  • Donate breakfast items

Non-Perishable “Breakfast” Type Food Items to Donate:

 Juice Boxes

Breakfast Bars

Cereal Bars

Granola Bars

Fruit Cups

 Applesauce and fruit squeezers

Fruit snacks

Individual packages of nuts or trail mix


Monetary donations to help purchase perishable food items (i.e. fruit, yogurt, etc…)


Thank YOU so much for your support of the “Breakfast at the Playground” Initiative!

Volunteer on Tuesday mornings

Amazon Donation List

Breakfast at the Playground Dates