- Stop by the ImagineKids check in table located just outside the auditorium. There will be someone that will help you check in your child(ren).
- We will print a personalized name tag for your child(ren) and you will receive a pickup ticket that matches the name tag. Make sure you hold onto your ticket and bring it when you pick up your child(ren) at the end of the morning.
- Your child(ren) will join you in our main service and be dismissed to follow their teachers to go down to kids ministry following worship.
- If your child(ren) needs you at any point during the service, we'll display the number from your card on the bottom of the main screen. Please visit your child's classroom if you are notified.
- Remember to have your ticket ready when you pick up your child!
follow these steps to get your child (infant - 5th) checked in