The 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month we partner with Alleluia Lutheran church in St. Michael to help distribute food to those in need. We distribute food rescued from CROSS in Rogers. Distribution takes place at Alleluia Lutheran Church in St. Michael. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to sign up.
If you would like to support the difference project financially you can do that through any of our normal methods of giving, you just need to make sure that you designate the gift is for the difference project in the proper field. We also will be occasionally accepting food donations for the difference project as well so be sure to check this page often for updates.
Pray pray pray. As a church we believe in the power of prayer and as a result strive to surround every aspect of our ministry in prayer. We encourage you if you feel led to not just pray for the difference project but to find other ways to support it as well, either through volunteering or giving. Thank you for your prayers!